
We consider documenting code a very important part of writing code (almost just as important as adding type annotations). So we have special help to make this a painless and enjoyable process.

Comment extension

Single line comments / multiline comments / JSDoc style comments extend the way you would expect

TIP: you can break out of a single comment chain by using the toggle comment Ctrl|⌘ + / command.

JSDoc support

JSDoc comments (comments that start with /**) are the defacto way to document your variables / types etc. We have special love for them too.

Quick JSDoc snippet

Just type // and press Tab to get quick jsDoc snippet.

Big JSDoc snippet

Just type /// and press Tab to get a big jsDoc snippet.


Sometimes you just want a big comment block to document a portion of code (instead of a single declaration like a class / variable for which you would use JSDoc).

Just type //// and press Tab to get a big section comment.

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